Tirazis High fat milk powder
- Humidity: 4-4.50 percent
- Burned particles: DISC ‘A’
- Lactose: 45-55 percent
- Fat: 1-4.50 Percent
- Protein:> 32 percent
- Ash: 6-8 percent
- PH: About 4.60
- Coliform:> 10
- Escherichia coli: Negative
- Total count: Less than 20,000
- Staphylococcus: negative
Tirazis milk powder is obtained from fresh cow’s milk after concentrating operations in spray dryers and is a first-class milk powder that does not contain any foreign objects that are found in the dairy, cereals, meat, confectionery and chocolate industries, cakes and it is used in biscuit making, bakery, and fast foods.
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