Low fat yogurt (Probiotic)
- Fresh cow’s milk, powdered milk, starter
Nutritional value per 100 grams
- Total energy: 47 kcal
- Fat: 1.3 grams
- Protein: 5.2 grams
- Carbohydrates: 3.5 grams
Low-fat yogurt made from cow’s milk is a valuable food and due to its high protein content, it meets some of the protein needs of the human body. Low-fat yogurt due to its convenient salts especially calcium and phosphorus, it satisfies the human body’s need for these minerals, and due to its low-fat content, it is effective in preventing osteoporosis for the elderly. This product, due to having beneficial intestinal bacteria, increases the bowel movements accelerating the excretion process and thus is effective in health, and is recommended as a healthy food source for all ages due to the lack of additives.
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